Mexico-Journey to the Roots of Femininity * Training in the Art of traditional Mayan Midwifery & Fertility Work * 8. – 22. February 2025

Mexico-Journey to the Roots of Femininity * Training in the Art of traditional Mayan Midwifery & Fertility Work * February 2025 *

From 08. – 22. February 2025 - A 15-day Journey & Training in the sacred land of the Maya, in Yucatan, Mexico

Mexico-Journey to the Roots of Femininity * Training in the Art of traditional Mayan Midwifery, Herbal Wisdom & Fertility Work * From 08. - 22. February 2025 *

Out of love for the female womb and its healing and flourishing, this journey is aimed at women, midwives, doulas, alternative practitioners, obstetricians, gynecologists, physiotherapists, womb healers and all those who work with women around the topic of fertility and childbirth and wish to expand their knowledge and craft with the rich treasure of traditional Mayan midwifery. Especially in times when it is becoming increasingly difficult to practice natural, women-oriented obstetrics, a return to the original and essential is of highest value.


The intention of this journey is to deepen the trust and knowledge in the craft of the „midwife“ through the wisdom of traditional Mayan midwifery and learn to listen to one’s own intuition and to feel what mother and child need. To know alternative solutions and to have internalized them helps us to come into our own power and create a fear-free space for mother and child. We need women who work with this knowledge to create a counterbalance to what we are increasingly losing – the naturalness of the most original thing in the world – giving birth as a sacred act.


The mayan midwife Dona Rafaela Can Ake embodies all these qualities and has an immense knowledge of traditional craftsmanship to impart as it can hardly be found anywhere else in the world. For over forty years she has been working as a traditional midwife in a small village in Yucatan, in the middle of the most sacred power places of the Maya. From her originally small sphere of activity she has initiated many projects in the course of her life, among other things she trained women in all surrounding villages to become midwives, in order to keep the old knowledge alive and to provide the rural communities with an obstetrician. She is also chairwoman of the Midwives Association of the „Traditional Midwives of Yucatan“, which consists of a network of 350 traditional midwives.


The beautiful nature of Yucatan makes it easy for us to open our hearts, because Mexico is a country full of lush beauty with its bright colors and tropical climate. This beauty is reflected above all in the joy of life and open-minded mentality of the people. Here we find connection to the originality, to our inner voice, and to our very own needs. We have time to decelerate and through the connection that we experience in these dreamlike places of power, we can arrive back in our center!


Like almost every Yucateco, Rafaella performs her work with the greatest passion and dedication and passes on her knowledge with the greatest possible quality of heart. For this reason, Rafaela is invited to give workshops and lectures about her work all over the world, but prefers to stay at home with her family and community. That’s why we bring you to her to learn from her and the Mayan culture on site, in the beautiful paradise of Yucatan, and to reflect on what is really essential!



Program of the Journey (subject to change)

1. Arrival – From Merida to Izamal

We pick you up at Merida Airport and bring you to the Magical City of Izamal (about 1 hour drive), where we will stay most of the journey. At the hotel we get to know each other over dinner and spend our first night in the tropical paradise Yucatan.

2. Welcome Cacao ceremony and exploration of Izamal
We begin the journey with a welcome ceremony, where we connect with the earth of Yucatan and its magical powers, and for our root chakra to receive grounding so that our deepest patterns can come into healing. In the ceremony we are cleansed and with the magic of the Goddess Cacao open our heart chakra for the transformation that awaits us on this journey.
In the afternoon we have time to explore the „Magical City“ Izamal, which was founded by the healer-priest Itzamna and still has many well-preserved pyramid sites. This is why Izamal is also called the „Magical City“, because the heart and healing vibrations are particularly high here, which can be seen especially in the happy and heart-touching people of Izamal.

3. First day of training – Menstrual cycle and infertility
Today we meet the midwife and healer Dona Rafaela, who will introduce us in the coming weeks to the wisdom of her midwifery practice, that she has been working with for the past 40 years. Rafaela is an absolut diamond and has a high reputation in her profession. Her heartfelt, relaxed and loving nature will make it easy for us to learn from her. After an introductory round, we will focus on the topics of the menstrual cycle and the different reasons and approaches to cure infertility.

4. Second day of training – infertility / fertility and uterus massage
Today, Rafaela will introduce us to various teas and herbs that we can give to women to stabilize their cycle and support their fertility. Our main mission will be, however to work with our hands on this day and with a special abdominal massage learn how to bring the uterus back to its physiological position to enhance the possibility of pregnancy.

5Temazcal, the Sweat Lodge Ceremony & Full moon Ceremony
We will visit Israels ceremonial site today, the Sanctuary of Ixchel. He invites us into his  sweat lodge, the Temazcal. In a traditional Mayan ceremony we connect with our ancestors, the hot stones and the goddess Ixchel, who gifts us lifeforce energy and fertility for our new projects.
The Temzcal is also a space where everything negative can be cleansed and transformed, because in the darkness and heat of the Temazcal we have the opportunity to let go of old limitations, fears and diseases, to integrate the powerful energies of our ancestors and to return to life reborn.
We will sing together, connect with our bodies with a delicious honey/cacao-peeling and enjoy our time in the womb of the great mother, how the Temazcal is also liked to be called.
Later in the evening will gather for a full moon ceremony to connect with grandmother moon and receive the powers of Ixchel, the Mayan Goddess of the moon and fertility and her male counterpart. Itzamna the God of healing and medicine.

6. Free day to integrate and relax

This day is free to relax and integrate what we have experienced so far, meditate in our hotel garden, receive a healing session or unwind by the pool! Today we can enjoy the peace, nature and our hotel pool to the fullest.

7. Third day of training – Massage to position the baby properly & birth positions

To get clearity on whether or not they are pregnant, the women from the area come to Rafaela, who recognizes without technical equipment, whether it really is a pregnancy or an infection, a fibroid or similar. Rafaela will try to teach us this knowledge and initiate us into her intuitive perception and the power of her ’seeing and healing‘ hands. From the 8th week onwards, Rafaela recommends regular massages for the pregnant woman so that both baby and mother are in balance. With her hands and a gentle massage, she will show us how the baby can be turned in the mothers belly or otherwise brought into the correct birthing position.
Rafaela speaks of magical postures when she speaks of birth positons, which enable mother and father to be very close and intimate together and support each other in birth. Some of the ideas, like the waterbirth, are certainly familiar to many, but Rafaela is guaranteed to amaze us with her magical positions, such as numerous birthing postures in the hammock …

8. Merida – Colonial City and traditional Market

Today we spend the day in Merida, the capital of Yucatan, with its metropolitan flair and splendid colonial buildings. We stroll through the local market and I’ll show you where to get the best ceremonial dresses. We enjoy the colorful diversity of the city and end the evening with a delicious meal in one of Merida’s traditional restaurants. Afterwards we start our shortrip to  the area of the Ruta Puuc (the hilly route), which we will explore in the coming day

9. Hidden Pyramids in the jungle

Our guide Pablo will lead us to two hidden pyramid sites in the jungle today, where no tourists usually go. The sites do not even have a name, but contain many wonderful treasures that we can freely explore. Pablo will talk to us about the Mayans and their lifes in this natural and remote environment and show us ancient ceramics. In a special energetic place, we will hold a ceremony and then join the family of the farmer, on whose land the pyramids are bordering, to dine together and gain insights into how the traditional Mayans still live today.

10. Uxmal – Archeological Site
Today we embark on the energy of the sacred feminine and travel to the archeological site of Uxmal, which was a centre of initiation for Mayan priestesses. Here they studied the secrets of divine conception and tantric union. This place gives us the opportunity to connect with our divine femininity and get in contact with the wisdom of the „Sage“ within us. The stones of the pyramids are sacred „libraries“ that store old knowledge and pass it on to us when we meditate and connect with them.

11. Free Day & Healing Sessions

After returning from our short trip, today we enjoy a day off where we can simply relax by the pool or in nature and take advantage of a healing session from Rafaela or a Shamanic Session. It is often useful and necessary to be supported in your personal process through energetic work, and if you are ready for it today is just the right time.

12. Forth day of training – working with the placenta & the umbilical cord

Rafaela also gives the placenta a particularly important role. After the birth, she is laid on a cloth and an imprint of it is made, so that the mother and child can take it home as a souvenir. Since the placenta contains many important ingredients for mother and child, the mother receives a „placenta smoothie“ after birth, which supports her postnatal regeneration. Rafaela will show us the different ways in which the placenta finds a wonderful and healing use either straight after birth or at a later time, through her preparation of placenta capsules and its nurturing use in creams. She will also show us different ways of dealing with the severing of the umbilical cord and share her wisdom on seeing how many future children lay dorment in the mother’s system.

13. Fifth day of training – postnatal bath & massage to close the pelvis

After giving birth it is especially important for the mother to take care of her body, to rest and relax, so that everything that has strained and stretched can find back into its original form. To do so, Rafaela prepares a bath of herbs and plants, amongst other things to stimulate the flow of the mothersmilk and to bring the body into the process of healing. This and other secrets for postnatalcare will be shown to us, aswell as a massage technique that will close the pelvis after having been opened so widely. An important part of this treatment is to re-center all the organs and bring the entire body back to its original center. Today we also receive our certificates for the completed training!

14. Completion Ceremony in a Cenote
In a beautiful closing ceremony in and around water, we will connect with the life-giving, flowing and creative parts of ourselves and bathe in a magical cenote, in the middle of nature. Cenotes are the sacred entrances to Xibalba, the Mayan underworld, and swimming in them feels like bathing in the womb of the earth. Here we can ask to receive the vision for our future actions and receive blessings for the flow and unfolding of our energy. In the afternoon we come together in a circle for a final round to share our impressions and experiences with each other and round off the journey!

15. Departure from Paradise
Today its time to say goodbye to the wonderful paradise of Mexico. After a final breakfast together we make our way to the airport, carrying in our hearts all the wonderful impressions, the bond with our heart family and the invigorating energies that we have experienced on this journey, home!

The entire training and travel is in English (or will be translated into English) and will be accompanied by the American midwife, Madison Cheshire (foto below). Read her amazing article on one of the past journies on her blog…

Contribution:  2.500 €  (registration before 2. November 2024) 
– afterwards 2.800 € 
(the equivalent in USD according to the actual rate)


Upon registration a deposit of 500 € is due, which will be retained if you decide not to participate.


To register, please download & fill out the form  you’ll find under the button “REGISTER” and send it to me via Email.


If you have questions beforehand please don’t hesitate to contact me! I am happy to write, talk, skype etc. with you!


The contribution includes: Accommodation in a double room (in a typical local middle class hotel) incl. breakfast, all transports, all ceremonies as well as entrance fees to all sacred sites and for all shamanic tools you will receive as described in the program.


Not included in the contribution are: flights, meals (other than breakfast), healing sessions and tips.


Number of participants: The journey takes place in a group from 8 – 12 participants.


Inquiries and registration: Sarah Gress * channeling (at)


Arrival & Departure: Pickup at Merida airport. Times will still be announced, according to everyones arrival.


If you would like to have a single room please ask me about it! At an extra cost there is the option

Comments from recent participants:

Sarah Gress is a healer, leader, advocate, friend, and so much more. She has a sacred talent of knowing what the soul needs and truly sees people. She creates journeys like the one I attended, that are full to the brim of meaning. Not a vacation, no gimmicks, a JOURNEY. A journey into your self, into others and closer to mother earth. I’ve never been out of country till the journey I attended with Sarah, and I couldn’t have felt more safe and cared for. She also has a talent for finding the most magnificent humans and placing them in front of those who need them most. If you want to heal, expand, learn or grow… You are in the right place with Sarah.

Hayley Grow

Sarah guides her groups on a pilgrimage to the heart. The way she organizes her journeys has the participants feeling held and safe, yet open the the magic that offers itself in each step of the way. She offers the perfect alchemy of physical and spiritual knowledge, leaving all the participants, from the doctors to the seekers, feeling satiated and alive. All the participants in my group, including myself, experienced significant positive transformation on our journey, and Sarah created the ripe environment for this to take place. I am deeply grateful for the way this trip changed my life, and all the gifts Sarah has given me to help me become a better and brighter person. If you seek healing, wisdom and growth, within a well held and loving container, this trip is for you.

Sara Emmitt
Ayurvedic Practicioner

I went on this trip with a desperate longing to be on the land and to take a break from clinical midwifery. This trip was food for my soul. The trip was pure magic from the medicine songs to being with women in the ceremony, to sitting with Sarah in tears and in laughter. Sarah set up so many beautiful land sites for us to see. I left refreshed, feeling deeply connected to the Indigenous people of Mexico and my own thoughts and emotions. I found apart of my soul that I didn’t know was missing. Our group felt like family, and I was humbled every day to be there apart of this journey with such incredible women. I felt nurtured and nourished on this trip. My soul is genuinely grateful to Sarah for hosting these amazing journeys.

Leah Fellers

This year I took part in a spiritual journey in Mexico, which was about traditional midwifery and shamanism. These 2 weeks have changed a lot in my life. Not only did I learn a lot about the midwifery work of the Mayans, but also a lot about myself. My father is very sick right now and the world is upside down because of the Corona Pandemic. Thanks to the time in Mexico with Sarah and the other great women, I can be strong for my family and still take care of myself. I have gained a lot of new life energy and learned to really love myself as a woman. By chance I took part in the trip and could not imagine anything at all. Also financially it was not easy for me to pay the costs. I can’t believe my luck, what experiences I was allowed to gain and you can’t pay that with any money in the world. Thank you, Sarah!

Marisa Manz



Eligibility and agreement:


This trip is part of a private travel community. Accordingly, each participant assumes responsibility for her/himself in the sense that she/he is viewing the trip as a private trip as organized by her/himself. For this reason, liability claims are excluded to the organizer / leader of the trip. The organizer / leader commits to doing his best for a good and smooth travel when preparing and executing this trip.



Contribution: 2.500 € (registration before 2. November 2024) 
– afterwards 2.800 €
(the equivalent in USD according to the actual rate)

Upon registration a deposit of 500 € is due, which will be retained if you decide not to participate.


To register, please download & fill out the form  you’ll find under the button “REGISTER” and send it to me via Email.


If you have questions beforehand please don’t hesitate to contact me! I am happy to write, talk, skype etc. with you!


This fee includes: Accommodation in a double room (in middle class hotels) incl. Breakfast for all overnight stays at the hotel in Izamal, all transports, all ceremonies as well as entrance fees for all sacred sites and the entire Training.


Not included in this fee are: international flights, meals, healing sessions and tips.


Number of participants: The journey takes place in a group of 8 to 12 participants.


Arrival & Departure: around 14/15 h (2/3 pm) at Merida Airport, Yucatan.


Inquiries and registration: Sarah Gress * 0049 – 221 – 300 85 340 * channeling (at)


There is the option of booking a single room at an extra cost. Don’t hesitate to ask me about it!

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